Expanded Access to Home-Based Crisis Intervention Support Teams
Governor Kathy Hochul and the Office of Mental Health recently announced that New York State is investing $13 million to expand access to Home-Based Crisis Intervention (HCBI) support teams that help vulnerable children and youth, including those with developmental disabilities, remain with their families during mental health treatment and support them in their recovery.
This landmark initiative is being administered by the Office of Mental Health to create 13 new teams and expand the 26 existing teams, making critical in-home mental health services available for at-risk children and youth throughout New York. This much-needed expansion will reduce the need for and impact of hospitalization.
OPWDD is partnering with OMH and the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council to establish two teams that will exclusively serve children or youth dually diagnosed with both a developmental disability and mental illness. Presently, the 26 existing teams assist roughly 2,600 children, with none of the teams currently dedicated solely to the needs of children and youth with developmental disabilities. The two new teams focusing on dually diagnosed children and youth will be the first of their kind in the nation.
Supporting children with developmental disabilities to live at home with their families in their community is a priority for OPWDD. Ensuring access to crisis services is a key component of that support and a vital part of OPWDD’s five-year strategic plan.