How to Switch Long-Term Care Pharmacies in Only 6 Weeks
How to Switch Long-Term Care Pharmacies in Only 6 Weeks
Switching long-term care pharmacies can seem daunting. But we understand that if your facility is at a place to make the move, things aren’t going the way they should be. Our team members at Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy are experts at prescription transferring, facility/pharmacy transitioning, training, and ensuring your pharmacy needs are met with excellence and consistency.
These are improvements your facility will notice when making the switch to Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy.
There is no delay. Your residents will receive your prescriptions when needed and on time.
A friendly voice. We listen to your problems and do our best to solve them.
LTC nurses can focus on patient care, not pharmacy issues. We want your medical staff to do what they do best–care for patients. Your nurse administration staff shouldn’t have to worry about pharmacy problems or worry if prescriptions will be delivered.
Positive pharmacy experience. Our team is here to serve your facility, your staff, and your residents. It’s hard to put a value on excellent care until you don’t have it.
Staff time is spent with residents. We don’t want your staff stuck on the phone trying to figure out where medical administration records or when you will receive them. You can count on MARs to show up the same day every month from our team.
So can it really be done, switching long-term care pharmacy providers in just 6 weeks? With our team, it can! The process is smooth and seamless with HRLTCP. Here’s what you can expect from our team during the 6-week transition time…..
- Collect all of the demographic information about the agency, including all of the locations and buildings.
- Build out the medical records by gathering all the demographic information on all of the patients including name, date of birth, any medication allergies, and insurance information.
- Request copies of the medication administration records (MARs) from the agency that includes any diagnoses for each patient, the medications they're on, and directions for us. [We’ll even come and copy MARs at your facility if this is easier!]
- Use all of that information to build a profile for each resident.
- All of the prescribers are contacted so our team can receive hard copy prescriptions or electronic prescriptions.
- Offer training so agency staff can become familiar with our processes and web portals, which is a main form of communication.
Training Provided by Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy
We know the process of reordering medications can be burdensome. That’s why we supply all of our new facility partners with an ample amount of training on our web portal to fit your needs. Here’s what you can expect during the training process:
- Connecting our nurse consultants with your agency’s nurses and staff on a Zoom call to introduce one another and the web portal
- Weekly, monthly, or as-needed training
- A training manual with detailed step-by-step directions of the web portal
- Access to our nurse consultants and team to troubleshoot any questions
With Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy’s Web Portal, reordering medications can be done in only 15 minutes each week!
We try to make every process along the way as painless as possible for the agency and its staff! Every agency has problematic cases and at HRLTCP, we try to turn those problems into strengths. We make sure everyone has the tools they need to make sure everyone is getting taken care of. What you really need is less time with pharmacy care and more time to provide direct patient care.
Let us do all of the heavy lifting for you. Call us today at 845-341-2714 to Discover the Difference in your pharmacy care.